Group privacy management strategies and challenges in Facebook: A focus group study among Flemish youth organizations

Special issue: Online Self-disclosure and Privacy

A large body of research has studied young people’s privacy practices and needs in Facebook. Less is known about group privacy. In this study 12 focus groups were organized with a total of 78 adolescents and young adults of local Flemish youth organizations to discuss their privacy practices. Findings describe how different strategies are used to coordinate the group information flow. The study also shows how online group privacy management can be challenging because ‘implicit’ privacy rules need to be made ‘explicit’, personal boundaries may conflict with those of the group one belongs to and privacy turbulence is difficult to define.

Privacy; boundary coordination; group; focus groups; communication privacy management; qualitative; Facebook
Author biography

Ralf De Wolf

Ralf De Wolf is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Ghent and project coordinator of the AdLit project ( Ralf holds a master in Sociology (UGent) and a PhD in Media and Communication Studies (VUB). He started his career at iMinds-SMIT, where he studied the social aspects of online privacy and security in the context of social network services. His current work focuses on advertising literacy and privacy management.

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