Couple boundaries for social networking in middle adulthood: Associations of trust and satisfaction


The present study examined married individuals’ boundaries and rules for online social networking and the relationship between these boundaries and relational trust and satisfaction. Participants included 205 married individuals who had been married for an average of 27 years (mean age = 51 years). Five specific boundaries were identified and tested using multiple sample structural equation modeling. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed two latent constructs for Internet boundaries: Openness and Fidelity. Trusting one’s partner, but not relationship satisfaction, was linked with behaviors that reflect sharing online social networking information, and decreased behaviors were associated with online flirting and relationships with former romantic partners. Trust was more strongly associated with men’s than women’s motivation to avoid flirtatious online interaction and communicating with former romantic partners online. These results indicate that the use of Internet boundaries is highly related to trust and also support the development theory of trust.

boundaries; couple relationships; marriage; social networking; trust
Author biographies

Aaron M. Norton

Author photo Aaron M. Norton, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor, Department of Family Sciences, at Texas Woman’s University. He has presented multiple times at national conferences for the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and for the National Council on Family Relations. His research interests are in couple relationships and technology mediated communication.

Joyce Baptist

Author photo Joyce Baptist, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor, School of Family Studies and Human Services at Kansas State University. Her main research areas include cross-cultural research on relationship maintenance and conflict among emerging adults and long-term marriages, resiliency in military families and marginalized groups.

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