Editorial: Introducing four empirical examples of the “generationing” process

Special issue: Generation and mediated relations

Author biographies

Andra Siibak

Andra SiibakAndra Siibak, PhD, is a Senior Research Fellow of Media Studies in the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Tartu. Her present research interests deal with new media audiences, generations and intergenerational relations on social media, mediation of children's ICT use and privacy on social media. Her articles have appeared in Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Cyberpsychology, Northern Lights, Journal of Nordic Digital Literacies, Young, etc.

Nicoletta Vittadini

Author photo Nicoletta Vittadini is researcher in Sociology of Culture and Communication at the Catholic University of Milan where she teaches Sociology of communication and Digital media theory. She’s senior researcher at OssCom (Research Center on Media and Communication) and vice-director of Almed (Postgraduate School in Media, Communication and Performing Arts).
Her research interests are about digital media and the everyday life, in particular: digital audiences, migrants and children. She’s interested also in research methodologies on digital and social media.
She is member of the COST Action IS0906 – “Transforming Audiences, transforming Societies” (http://www.cost-transforming-audiences.eu) where she’s vice-chair of the Wg3 “The role of media and ICT use for evolving social relationships” and (in 2012) she’s been member of the DIRMCL network (Developing & Investigating Methodologies for Researching Connected Learning) of the Mc Arthur Foundation.

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