The Seven “As” Contributing to Internet-Related Intimacy Problems: A Literature Review


The Internet provides many opportunities for people to connect and relate to one another. Many people, however, who access the Internet end up may end up engaging in problematic internet behavior. In this article, we outline the five “As” related to intimacy problems online (anonymity, affordability, accessibility; approximation) as identified by Cooper (2000; 2002), King (1999), Kauth and Ross (2002), and Tikkanen and Ross (2003) by outlining how these “As” are noted within the published literature. We also introduce two more “As” (ambiguity and accommodation) and review the presence of these concepts within the literature.

Internet; online; couples; sex; infidelity
Author biographies

Katherine M. Hertlein

Author photoKatherine M. Hertlein, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Marriage and Family Therapy at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. She received Master’s in marriage and family therapy from Purdue University Calumet and her Ph.D. in marriage and family therapy from Virginia Tech. She is a clinical member of AAMFT and a member of AASECT. She has published in several journals and serves as reviewer an on the editorial board for several journals. She has co-edited a book on interventions in couples treatment, interventions for clients with health concerns, and as a co-editor on a book on infidelity treatment. Recently she served as co-editor and co-author on Systemic Sex Therapy and co-author on A Clinician’s Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy. She presents nationally and internationally on sex, technology, and couples.

Armeda Stevenson

Author photoArmeda Stevenson is a Ph.D. student in the marriage and family therapy program at Florida State University. She has presented at the National Council on Family Relations annual conference as well having her work featured at the Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

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