How do consumers perceive the reliability of online shops?


The purpose of this study was to investigate what kind of information contributes to trust formation in online shopping. Twenty-seven female undergraduate students were recruited and asked to evaluate the trustworthiness of 20 online shopping websites. All the online shopping websites dealt with branded products where there is greater emphasis on the trustworthiness of online shops or products. The results show that information described on the websites was classified into two categories, firstly, information about the shop and its procedures and services. Secondly, the concrete information necessary for the consumption process, such as payment information and return information, which heightens the reliability of these shops.

consumer behavior; trust; reliability; information; online shop
Author biographies

Tomomi Hanai

Author photoTomomi Hanai, Ph.D. engages in IT solution business at Nikkei Media Marketing, INC., in Japan. She received Ph.D. in 2009 from Chiba University in Japan. Her current research interests include social psychology, marketing, internet technology, and so on.

Takashi Oguchi

Author photoTakashi Oguchi, Ph.D. is a Professor of College of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University, in Japan. He received Ph.D. in 1992 from University of Tokyo in Japan. His current research interests include social psychology, service industry, tourism, and so on.

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