Exploring the Relationships among Internet Usage, Internet Attitudes and Loneliness of Turkish Adolescents


As the average amount of time spent on the Internet is rapidly increasing, the starting age of Internet users is steadily decreasing. Thus, parents, psychologists, educators, technology creators and lawmakers must become aware of the potential risks and rewards of this phenomenon. In the light of these perspectives, this study aims to investigate the relationships among Internet usage, Internet attitudes and loneliness of Turkish adolescents. A survey method was used for the study and the data were collected by an Internet usage questionnaire, Internet attitudes scale and UCLA loneliness scale. 1049 adolescents completed the questionnaires pertaining to their own internet usage, internet attitudes and feelings of loneliness. At the end of the study, it was revealed that Turkish adolescents’ loneliness was associated with both increased Internet usage and Internet attitudes. Adolescents who reported excessive uses of the Internet for web surfing, instant messaging, emailing and online games had a significantly higher mean score of loneliness than those who did not. In addition, male adolescents reported a higher frequency of Internet usage and more loneliness than females. Male adolescents reported a higher frequency of web surfing and online games than females. However, females reported a higher frequency of e-mailing.

loneliness; Internet attitudes; Internet usage; gender
Author biography

Yavuz Erdoğan

Author photo Yavuz Erdoğan is graduated from Atatürk Education Faculty at Marmara University in 1998. He received M.A. degree on Mathematics Education in 2000 from Marmara University and received Ph.D. on Education Management and Planning in 2005 from Marmara University. He prepared the dissertation namely “Evaluation of Web Based Higher Education According to Students’ Academic Achievements and Attitudes”. He is currently a lecturer in the Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies at Marmara University in Turkey.

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