The Deepening of the Digital Divide in the Czech Republic


In their paper, the authors question the contemporary state of the digital divide in the Czech Republic. The description is structured according to the model of successive access elaborated by Jan van Dijk; data for analysis are taken from the available relevant sources, namely from the Czech branch of the World Internet Project, Czech Statistical Office reports, and the Information Literacy Research commissioned by the Czech Ministry of Informatics. Their basic hypothesis is that the digital divide is deepening in the Czech Republic; the basic outcome of the article is the summary of the most evident reasons for the deepening divide hypothesis and recommendations for future research in the area.

digital divide; digital skills; information society; social inequality
Author biographies

Petr Lupáč

Author photo Petr Lupač is currently a doctoral student at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts & Philosophy, Charles University, and Research Assistant at the Philosophical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. His PhD. project deals with ‘The social aspects of the contemporary mode of technological development’. His professional interests are STS, the sociology of globalization, the sociology of new/mass media, and theories of information society. In the year 2007, he was in charge of the research project ‘Effects of the Internet: Digital divide and sociability change in the Czech Republic’, funded by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.

Jan Sládek

Author photo Jan Sládek is a PhD. student and a lecturer at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts & Philosophy, Charles University. His major research fields are urban sociology and the Internet. He studied urban sociology at the University of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA and Université Lyon 2, France. His PhD. project deals with problems of citizen participation in the creation of urban space.

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