Effect of Videoconferencing Environments on Perception of Communication


Videoconferencing systems are an increasingly popular way of co-working independently on physical distance. Unfortunately, none of the systems created so far has reached the common goal of supplying the participants with an environment that allows natural interaction. This paper gives an overview of this field with a special interest taken in cognitive part of the communication – that is mainly the impact of different videoconferencing system settings on user's perception as well as the overall efficiency of the communication.

Effect of videoconferencing environments on perception of communication
Author biography

Petr Slovák

Author photoPetr Slovák is studying Psychology at the Faculty of Social Studies and Theoretical Informatics at the Faculty of Informatics, both at the Masaryk University in Brno. His current interest are groupware designs and possibilites for communication of distributed groups over videoconferencing media.

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