Investigation and Analysis of a Reported Incident Resulting in an Actual Airline Hijacking due to a Fanatical and Engrossed VR State


We define Chronic Alternate-World Disorder ( CAWD ) as “ A state in which a person is no longer able to distinguish the real world from virtual space, due to his or her isolation in virtual space for an extended period of time with no contact with the actual world. ” The case report is about a patient who hijacked a jumbo jetliner in order to fly the airplane on his own, after developing CAWD from the use of flight-simulator virtual reality system. We believe symptomatic cases of CAWD will increase as virtual-reality (VR) spread throughout our society. In view of this, our objective is to propose precautionary and preventive measures for providers of VR system for patients with schizophrenia or personality disorders, from psychiatric and sociological perspectives

Investigation and Analysis of a Reported Incident Resulting in an Actual Airline Hijacking due to a Fanatical and Engrossed VR State
Author biographies

Atsushi Ichimura

photoAtsushi Ichimura, M.D., Assistant Professor at Psychiatry, Course of Specialized Clinical Science, Tokai University School of Medicine. He received his M.D. degree from Tokai University in 1987, have studied and developed psychiatric treatment in emergency medicine, especially for suicide attempters since 1995. He is also researching into satellite communications applications with Isao Nakajima, M.D., Ph.D., Professor at Nakajima Laboratory, Tokai University School of Medicine.

Isao Nakajima

photoIsao Nakajima, M.D.,Ph.D., Professor at Nakajima Laboratory, Tokai University School of Medicine, an invited senior researcher of the National Institute of Information and Communications. He received his M.D. degree from Tokai Univ. in 1980 and Ph.D. in 1987, have studied and developed satellite communications applications since 1983. He had conducted Asia Pacific Medical Network using ETS-5 satellite; AMINE/PARTENRS project, and developed nation wide emergency call with Highly inclined Elliptical Orbiter. He was involved Multimedia Virtual Laboratory of the Japanese Government. He has been a consultant of JAXA, JICA, World Bank, WHO-WPRO, the vice-Rapporteur for Telemedicine of ITU-D SG-2.


Muhammad Athar Sadiq

Author photoMuhammad Athar Sadiq

Hiroshi Juzoji

author photoHiroshi Juzoji, M.D., Associate Professor at Nakajima Laboratory, Tokai University School of Medicine. He received his M.D. degree from Tokai Univ. in 1986. He has studied telemedicine and designed circuit and firmware in the equipment for telemedicine. He also has studied sharing of sensibility by the communication in the virtual reality environment.

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